Semiconductor devices and applications, diodes, bipolar junction transistors and operational amplifiers. Elementary device physics. Linear and non-linear devices, terminal characteristics, small-signal modelling and analysis. Frequency-dependent behaviour of circuits and analysis methods. Linear and non-linear circuits such as amplifiers and switching circuits. Biasing, coupling and bypass techniques. Operational amplifiers, frequency-dependence and characteristic limitations, frequency selective and non-linear switching circuits.
Digital systems and binary coding; binary numbers; Boolean algebra and computer logic; combinational logic circuits; sequential logic circuits; hardware description language; digital design flow; register transfer level descriptions and design; data paths and control units; from circuits to microprocessors; basic computer organisation; introduction to modern microprocessors; timers and interfacing; C and assembly language for microprocessors; designing digital systems using microprocessors.
A 2nd Year Mathematical Modelling Paper that covered the following topics Ordinary Differential Equations, Multivariable and Vector Calculus, Further linear algebra, Fourier series, Introductory Data Analysis and Statistics.
Module 1: Ordinary Differential Equations
In this section I learnt to model physical systems that depend on time. One such behaviour can be modelled using Unforced ODES which is a ODE that is homogenous. Homogenous means that all the terms of the equation involve the dependant variable on the left hand side ie. (right hand side = 0). Solving Unforced ODES leads to 4 different types of Solutions: Overdamping ( 2 real Roots), Critical Damping (Equal real Roots), Underdamping (Complex Roots), No Damping (Imaginary Root). Another such behaviour can be modelled using Forced ODES which is a ODE that is non-homogenous. Solving these ODE involves adding the particular integral solution which is the forcing term on the right hand side of the equation to the complementary function solution which is the left hand side of the equation similar to solving the Unforced ODE. We then learned numerical methods for first order ODE using the euler method and the improved euler methods. The final topic of this module was learning how to implement Laplace Transforms to solve ODE. Laplace Transforms are very useful in investigating the transient behaviour of time varying systems and it is used in many Electrical Engineering Problems.
Aims to provide a good understanding of the way electrical circuits work. It covers DC and AC circuit theorems and analysis; transient analysis, including the Laplace transform; transfer functions; AC power calculations; and time and frequency representation of signals.